Family Therapy and Parenting Consultations:


Sometimes families find themselves out of sync with one another. This can happen in large and dramatic ways and in smaller, more subtle ways. A child is born, another leaves for college these transitions may seem like expected and generally happy occurrences, but any change can cause disruption, leaving family members feeling disconnected or at odds with one another. The loss of a job, trauma, substance abuse, illness or death, can shake the foundation of even the most stable family unit.

In my work with families, I focus on the activation or re-establishment of strong communication channels, providing opportunities for each member to express their point of view. All family members are encouraged to participate; to contribute to the understanding of the “problem” as well as the “solution.” Identifying patterns of interaction, providing a safe space to voice potentially controversial thoughts or feelings and developing shared goals for progress are important to working through family challenges.

These are some common challenges that bring families into counseling:


Whether you are in the “thinking phase”, contemplating what having a baby might mean in your life or you are fully immersed in parenting your 8 or 18 yr. old, questions or concerns can up. During the different stages of your child’s development questions may arise about to understand your child’s changing needs, how to talk and connect, how to set appropriate expectations and boundaries and how to better understand yourself as a parent. We will work together to address your specific needs and discover strategies to create a more satisfying and joyful parent-child relationship.

Common areas of growth that are addressed in parent consultation:

A complimentary 15-minute consultation may help answer some of your questions about how I work and give you a sense of what working together might look and feel like.  Therapy sessions are available in either one of my two offices, or through a confidential, convenient Telehealth Platform.

Therapy can help…

As a seasoned, insight oriented therapist, I can help you in your efforts to resolve current life challenges as well as to tackle more long standing issues. Working collaboratively and respectfully I am able to assist you as you develop deeper insight, cultivate a greater sense of well-being and implement more effective life strategies.